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How Faith Popcorn's BrainReserve Will Grow Your Business For Decades To Come

Globally recognized for guiding the Fortune 500 toward their Best Futures, Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve has an unparalleled, documented 95% ACCURACY rate in seeing what lies ahead. Our Applied Futurism methodology has created billions of dollars of incremental revenue for our clients through:  Visionary Innovation, Unparalleled Positionings, New Product Development, Brand Strategy, Cultural Campaigns, Invaluable Partnerships and Bold Acquisitions.

Whether you’re curious about an engaging and inspiring FutureVision presentation and workshop or a deeper consulting relationship, we look forward to hearing from you. You can speak directly with Faith by emailing her at:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (212) 772-7778

Or use the form below