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Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, the rise of Micro-Clans and the death of mortality: These are a few of the Future-leaning topics you’ll find in our TrendBlog. Here we compile the latest articles and thinking from Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve. Articles here chronicle the places and events Faith’s team of Futurists trek to, as well as new products that reveal how the Future is leaking into the present. The common thread that weaves through everything you’ll read here is a fascination with Tomorrow, and a provocative lens onto culture.

March 12, 2020 Events with Faith Popcorn

As the world is reeling with political/financial/environmental/cultural turmoil, creating emotional uncertainty, there has been extraordinary interest in an accurate view of the what’s coming.  It’s...

February 28, 2023 Swarm Intelligence

Can looking up and looking down give us insight into the future of human collaboration? Our recent JOLTY guests,  Louis Rosenberg and David Baltaxe, founders...

June 15, 2020 Welcome to 2030

“What’s next?”: That’s the question everyone is asking, from the CEOs my team consults with to my friends weathering the Covid-19 lockdown. “How will we...

April 1, 2019 Retail Reinvention

The cultural strategists at Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve—the future-focused strategic consultancy—are sharing updated signals of where retail is heading. Aware of the reports of the death...

March 16, 2019 Mood Modulation

Forty-six percent of teens today say they’re so stressed, they feel hopeless. They’re sad, mad, discouraged. They wish they felt better. Do you know the...