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Understanding Women 8 Essential Truths That Work In Your Business and Your Life

If men and women are different, why do we market to them the same way? Today, women make 80 percent of all purchasing decisions. The time has come, says Faith Popcorn, author of The Popcorn Report and Clicking, two bestselling books on consumer trends, for businesspeople everywhere to realize that you cant succeed in business without successfully marketing to women. Whether you make cornflakes or concrete, pillows or pixels, women should be your chief target. Popcorns prediction: within a decade, the companies that do the best job of marketing to women will dominate every significant product and service category. Popcorn calls this EVEolutiona trend that will redefine the way companies create profitable and lasting relationships with their key consumerswomen. Using business case studies, cultural signals, statistical data, and in-depth interviews with CEOs, entrepreneurs, and consumers, Popcorn presents the eight essential truths about marketing to women.

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