what we're watching


The Popcorn Report:
AI-Land 2044 Unveiling the Startling Future of Artificial Intelligence
January, 2024
The Popcorn Report:
ParanoiaLand The New Global Zip Code
October, 2023
The Popcorn Report
The shocking truth about how you’ll be living in the Future, near and far.
September, 2023
The Future of Pandemics
Corona Cocooning: What Will We Do Differently Tomorrow?
March, 2020
A New Kind of Cocoon:
Mapping The Home
Of Tomorrow
April, 2020
The Future of Masculinity
Created by Faith Popcorn's BrainReserve
March, 2020
Happy New Year’s Wish List 2050
12 Days of Future-Perfect Presents
December, 2019
Sustenance 2040
How will you eat in the future? Will you eat?
January, 2020